Oh, yeahhhhh! I'm black and I'm back..oh wait...I'm white, but that didn't sound as cool as black, which rhymes better...lol
Oh, how I have missed blogging. I have so much going on in my noggin and haven't had a proper outlet for it.. Oh, and just in time for the new golf seasons..watch out Hags! :)

How'd u like that pic?? cool, eh? Ha, you can thank Bethie for that trick. she taught me how to navigate and add pics...whoo-hooz! shez my hero! *winks*
Not much going on in this particular blog post. I'm just gearing up for my first blog and over a year...Get the word out, pass this on....don't be shy. *smiles*
I'm thinking I should do a year in revue for 2010 to catch everybody up. yeah, thats a grand idea. That's what I will do firsties. yippee yays!
Take Care kiddies. Hope u check in to read my ramblings. see u there. Peace