Haaaa..piping hot
folgers and extra heavy cream...now that's what I call blogging java! *smacks her lips* tasty indeed.
I'm a 'No expectation, No demands' kinda gal. Nah, that's a fat lie... I should have said "I would like to think that I am one of those 'No expectations, No demands' kinda gal" . . . But, I'm not. *sighs*
I feel it is human nature to have certain expectations in life. Such as we purchase something, makes no difference what the item is, and we as the buyer have a certain amount of expectation of whatever for said item purchased. Or, when we do something for others, we have certain expectations there also, such as thankfulness, and respect for doing something nice.
It is when our expectation become so high that they seem to become a problematic issue. Or, when we become so narcissistic that we expect the world to revolve around us. Ha, that seems to be the way of the world these days. *shakes her head and sigh* - I suppose I could go on and on about the human condition and society and the role it plays in our 'expectation' levels etc...but I am just not that deep.. *sticks her tongue out at everybody*
I suspect people tend to expect way to much of themselves. I am also of the mind that we as humans tend to expect others to expect a lot from us also. sound crazy doesn't it. Ha!
Over time comes wisdom and with that wisdom I have come to the idea that I try and not expect too much from anybody, self included, and or anything. Of course I am not an idiot, I expect to get what I pay for, I expect a certain amount of respect and consideration from people, I do expect myself to stay true to who I am. yadda yadda yadda..
....oh, and I expect to really enjoy this GBE2 both blogging and ready all of your blogs. Hope you got what you expected from reading this blog...*giggles*